Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Sitting, Waiting, Wishing

Tiffany here
Current Book: He's Just Not That Into You
Dating Advice: He' just not that into you if he's not calling you.

Situation: Well this weekend I was the social butterfly! A girlfriend of mine, Lala, invited me out to her neck of the woods for a pool party/ weekend get away. I went to the pool party with a friend and did not know a single guest except Lala . While staying cool in the pool I showed the guys my playful side by initiating a game of beach ball volleyball. While I could give you all the individual details of the different guys that I meet most of those details could very well prove to be pointless. I will however say that I did meet some promising potential suitors! We had great conversations, good chemistry, and made connections but not one asked me for my phone number! Where is the follow through??!!! It makes me wonder, do guys still ask girls for their phone numbers? Will they be resourceful and get it at any means? How much has Facebook and the Internet changed dating? The following day I went out to Lala's for another gathering and saw some of the same men and new ones, they greeted me and asked why I was out visiting again, complimented me on my appearance and so on....but did not ask for my number! oh the frustration! Don't we go to these events to meet new people? And when we do we have poor follow through on how we are going to forge this new friendship/relationship.

Dating Advice: So now if I follow what the experts say to do I just have to sit and WAIT!!...wait for the guy to find my number and contact me. When a reader asked Greg Behrendt," Why can't I call the guy? Greg said, "because we don't like it!" If I follow what the experts say and they don't call or contact me ,than I should accept that they just aren't that into me and move on. Part of me sees the validity in this point but the other part of me is itching to email them!!! I will have to admit that I am anxious to see if anyone takes the bait. The old me would justify sending them an email by thinking, we had a good conversation and we are friends now so why can't I make the first move? Using excuses like, I am afraid that maybe they didn't get my name or a good look at me. So to make sure to cover all my bases, I have made sure to leave comments and messages on our mutual friends Facebook pages. This gives me the hope that they will see and look me up! TI feel like the book tells us to stop being hopeful and just face the facts, if they liked you they would look you up and find a way. Sometimes I take it too personal that not all of the guys I meet like me. When really only one guy needs to like me.

Resolve: I may not be able to initially call or contact the guy, however I can improve the closing of the conversation. I can say well hey nice to meet you, next time your in my neck of the woods look me up...or even hey next time you see me come say Hi! I am not sure exactly what would be best to say and I am open to suggestions! Send me your suggestions and I will put them to practice the next chance I get! patiently awaiting a call.....I mean moving on.

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