Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Article Author: Tiffany A. Catch
Book Reading- Mars and Venus on a Date

Break out your medical books there is a new illness hitting young single adults everywhere! Symptoms include always thinking that you can find someone better, always keeping your options open, NEVER becoming too serious with just one person. It's called the BIGGER BETTER DEAL syndrome aka the BBD!

Now you may ask yourself why is the BBD syndrome harmful to young adults and their ability to find a loving and long lasting relationship. The problem with people who have the BBD syndrome is that they are never allowing a relationship to reach the stage of exclusivity. Exclusivity is important for you to determine and know for a surety if this person is or isn't right for you. You have to push through the uncertainty to reach this conclusion. Then through the process of elimination you find out if that person is or is not for you and you get closer to knowing and finding the right person for you.

Even I suffer from BBD badly that I don't even want to say yes to ONE date....How could I have already decided that I don't want to date someone if I have not even been on ONE date with them??? I just think that if I say yes to one date it will snowball into a relationship and I don't know if I want to be in a relationship with this person. I just need to recognize that those feelings are normal and that one date does not mean I will start dating this person. I can say hey I had a lot of fun and I think you are really nice but I am just not feeling it....

So here is the situation; I have made what I thought a new friend, DJ, but I have gotten myself into this situation by being what I consider friendly and others may consider flirty. Now he is interested and has been hinting that he wants to go out through text messages and chatting. The reasons that I do not want to go on a date with him is because I do not feel attracted to him and I want to hold out for the BBD. I haven't reciprocated very much other than to be polite because I had decided that I needed to back off as to not lead him on. Well my roommate did not get the MEMO and invited DJ over for a movie night. I was relieved when he couldn't make it but the invite only seemed to light a fire under him. He has started texting and tonight he CALLED!!...and we all know what a phone call means! HE WANTS A DATE... I didn't answer because I was at work...he left a message to call back or that he would TRY AGAIN....sigh. OK so I get the message he is going to keep persisting until he gets what he I text back. I guess that was the moment I decided that OK FINE...I will go on ONE date with DJ. He hasn't asked yet but has asked about my schedule and is trying to find things we have in common.

So I guess there are three reasons why I have decided to say Yes to this one date. One being that I shouldn't discourage guys like DJ who are doing their part and ASKING girls out. Plus, I had made a resolve to say yes to one date with nice guys. The second reason I think that going on a date with DJ would be good thing is that it might light a fire under a few other guys. They might think," I have been wanting to ask Tiffany out..and I heard she said yes to DJ so maybe she will say yes to me"...Who knows...just a theory I am testing out. The third reason I am going to say Yes to a date with DJ is because SPARKY is coming to visit!!! He needs to know there are other guys out there who are going to give him a run for his money!....and I need to know that too.

Check back to see how my ONE date with DJ goes...How bad could it be?

UPDATE: DJ called again today and asked me out to dinner. We are going out tomorrow night.

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